Monday, January 31, 2011


If you're the bird,
Whenever we pretend it's summer,
Then I'm the worm,
I know the part, it's such a bummer,
But fair is fair,
If my segments get separated,
I'll scream
& you'll be there...

We were meant to be.

I love the randomness of Owl City. Listening to this song made me want to post about birdsitting two parakeets. I've made friends with a cute little old lady here in Perigueux and she asked me to watch her birds while she's off vacationing in Turkey. "Beh, bien sur!"  (well, of course!) I said to Claire when I was at her house a month ago. Then I realized of all the pets (fish, frogs, turtles) I had as a child none of them survived. Pets and me just aren't meant to be...Well the turtle actually got lost outside in October and we found him in March in our shed having survived winter (in Utah I might add). He was pretty sick so we gave him away to someone who could help him get better. Poor Speedy.  Please bless that these birds make it till Friday.

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