Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The List

Me rushing into H&M as it opens for the day, bright and early at 11 o'clock.

Things I will miss in France:
  • Fresh bread and pastries from the boulangerie
  • The old French Men telling me "bonjour"
  • Our friends we made at church and school
  • The architecture and cool fountains
  • Le fromage
  • The bisous
  • Speaking French 
  • Outdoor markets with all the fresh produce!
  • Creme Fraiche
  • Kebabs
  • Cars stopping at crosswalks for pedestrians!
  • 2 weeks vacation every 6 weeks

Things I won't miss in France:
  • Paperwork
  • The loud motorcycles (I think I'm loosing my hearing)
  • Those nice piles of dog poop on the sidewalk (I only stepped in it once!)
  • Stores closed on Monday 
  • Paying for a public toilet
  • 2 1/2 hour restaurant visits
  • Smoke in your face from cigarettes as you walk down the road
  • Not having a car
  • Hang dry our clothing
  • Tiny sidewalks

Things I am looking forward to/craving at home:
  • Mexican Food
  • A bigger wardrobe (12 shirts just doesn't cut it for me anymore)
  • My job as a Dental Hygienist
  • English!
  • Family 
  • Our friends and their new babies!
  • A burger from 5 Guys
  • Being able to shop until ten or eleven at night 
  • Things going on sale more than twice a year
  • Refillable drinks at restaurants, not to mention rootbeer
  • And ice (to keep the drinks cold please!)

This is definitely not a comprehensive list...

1 comment:

  1. ha! the root beer thing is SO true. tyler told me spaniards hate root beer because it's what they use to flavor their medicine...kinda like grape for us! :)

    i'm excited you're coming back!!!
